A Look Back at La Classique du Québec

iLoveDanceShoes is proud to have been part and sponsored this great event since 2014. La Classique du Québec has always been one of our favorite Canadian competitions: the venue is stunning, the music is always on point, and the dancers are truly the crème de la crème.
We want to thank the great team of organizers who work hard every year to put together such an amazing competition. We have met so many wonderful people through the years, and also made great friends.
Daniel Héroux, the co-organizer of the La Classique du Québec, shared with us what is unique and important about this world-class competition. He described how the success of the competition also depends on the relationships with its sponsors. He also talked about the vision for the future and the strong partnership between La Classique and iLoveDanceShoes.
Thank you to La Classique du Québec for allowing us to be part of this. We miss you and cannot wait to come back in 2022.
Read more about La Classique du Québec:
- Posted in DANCER DIARIES, News